
January 27, 2015

{Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway} Sing For Me by Gracie Madison

Hello and welcome to the Sing For Me Blog Tour brought to you by Xpresso Book Tours. Below you find my review. Click on the image above so you can also see the list of the different blogs participating in this tour.

Sing For Me by Gracie Madison
Publication Date: January 23, 2015
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance

Madeline Noel fled war-torn Heaven to hide within the mortal world, but the blessing that could protect her from evil is the holy realm’s forbidden power.

As a talented soprano for the Eden Theatre Company, Madeline hides among prima donnas and tone-deaf flutists. Her perfect voice may entertain audiences, but a careless laugh may shatter glass, and her greatest scream can kill. To control her unrestrained voice, the angels forbid Madeline from embracing the emotions that strengthen her song. Anger. Fear.


The demon-hunter Damascus vows to defend Madeline from Hell’s relentless evil, but he cannot protect her from her own feelings. Though they deny their dangerous attraction, her guardian becomes her greatest temptation.

Surrendering to desire may awaken the gift suppressed within Madeline’s soul, and neither Heaven nor Hell will allow such absolute power to exist.

I would like to thank Giselle of Xpresso Book Tours for giving me the opportunity to participate in this blog tour.

This ain't your ordinary paranormal read okay. (Oh look, I used a sort of oxymoron!) You see, this book is smoking hot. Like, literally smoking.

Madeline is hiding in the mortal world from the evil Corinth who is out to wreck the Realm into pieces and ruin everything good in it. She works in the theatre as a very gifted soprano and she's very good at it. What amused me from the start of this book is Danielle, the prima donna of the production. Frankly, she was scarier than Corinth.

She and the theatre producer, Natalie, was attacked by demons sent out by Corinth to kill Madeline but was saved by Damascus. Now, Damascus is a heavenly soldier and is bound to protect Madeline at all costs.

I am so used to seeing Young Adult and Paranormal Romance mesh together. But never New Adult. I was wrong. You see, each character is written intricately and when they interact with another character, it all becomes perfect.

Madeline didn't need constant saving from Damascus. She can do that herself. While she was in Heaven, Choirs like her weren't allowed to feel. This caused a great deal to Madeline when she came down in the mortal world because her feelings were all over the place. After learning how to control herself, she can wield her voice with such power she's unstoppable.

The lore in this book is so intriguing as well. I've only read a handful of books about angels and demons. Each lore is different from the other. This book proves it.

Gracie Madison would spend every day, all day writing…if it were socially acceptable.  Ever since she was a little girl scribbling with a crayon, Gracie’s dedicated herself to her books and all the supernatural and paranormal, creepy and beautiful stories and characters born within the pages. Now Gracie is committed to finally sharing those books with the world.  When the laptop is pried from her hands, Gracie is probably working her day job, rooting on the Steelers, or out with her husband searching for Pittsburgh’s best sushi.

Check out Xpresso Book Tours for more awesome blog tours, book blitzes and more~


  1. Thank you so much! You'll be first on my list for Divine Interlude! <3

    1. OMG~! You are making my heart so happy right now! I can't wait! :D

  2. Great review, Anette! This sounds like a great read and unique, too! Glad you liked it! :)

    1. Thank you, Giselle. It really is. I am stoked about the next book. :)
