
January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

(Photo grabbed from WeHeartIt)

The year 2014 gave me so many experiences and opportunities that I never got before. I am indeed very thankful for it.

I started blogging on February 23, 2014. I've always wanted to start one. The problem was, I never continued it. But I vowed that I will continue. Eleven months and 109 posts later, I'm still going.

Book Signings
I've heard about book signings. I've seen a local bookstore put up posters of the signings they'll be organizing in their stores. Back then, I wasn't really serious about collecting books. But then, when they organized the book signing for Becca Fitzpatrick, I knew I was in for the ride. Little did I know, I'd meet my best friends!

Tinig is a short film that I've written with my classmate for our entry in Sinepiyu, our school's film festival. On a whim, I volunteered to write a fifteen minute short story about a deaf girl who's addicted to watching porn. I intended for the film to be darker and my groupmates agreed as well. But alas, we had to reduce to a safe yet dramatic film. Writing for film is one of the things I wanted to do and I can definitely say, I've accomplished it.

Turning 20
The big 2-0 is a big deal to me. It means I have to leave my teenage years. I have to be mature! No kidding. I mean, I don't have to leave my teenage years. I just have to relive it in my twenties and make mature decisions.

Goodreads Challenge
I've read 86 books in 2014. Mostly YA and NA. This year, I'm aiming for 100 because I'm awesome like that. Hopefully, I can open myself to other genres as well.

Here's to another year of books and more fun! Happy New Year!

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