
February 8, 2015

Stacking the Shelves: BBG (Bargains, Borrowed Books, and Gifts!)

Stacking The Shelves is a feature hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers share what books (both physical and digital) they received, won, bought, and borrowed.

So here's the deal. I haven't done a STS post in a long time. Here it is though! All of these books were gifts, borrowed and bargain finds.

A Clash of Kings by George R.R Martin
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Past Imperfect by Julian Fellowes

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Where Rainbows End by Cecilia Ahern
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
Complete Nothing by Kieran Scott

Each book has a story to tell, on how it landed on my hands. But I'll keep it very simple. I would like to just thank my aunts, and my grandparents for giving me Christmas money for books. To my awesome older sister for sharing the love of books with me as well as to my two good friends, Neil and Anna, for entrusting your books to me.

So, how are you? Bought any good books today?


  1. Ah, bargains and gifts are the best! I'm so excited that you have Complete Nothing! I hope you enjoy reading because I did! Which reminds me I need to grab a copy of the third book. <3

    1. I owe you one for the True Love trilogy, Hazel. :)

  2. I've heard the most fantastic things about Aristotle and Dante- so I hope you love it:) Mara Dyer is sooo good! It's creepy, funny, thought-provoking, shiver-inducing, sweet- it stands out in the whole YA genre:)
    Rainbow Rowell has a gift with words- she strings them together beautifully and the most random sentences captured me so I hope Attachments is great!
    Enjoy your books!
    Here's my post:) :

    1. Yes, Attachments is great. Rainbow is the master of tugging at your heartstrings. Aristotle and Dante is very good. I have yet to finish it but I'm scared of letting it go because it's such a good book. :)

  3. I loved The Help! Such a great story. You've got a lot of great books this week. Great haul!
    Check out my STS

    1. I knew after seeing the movie adaptation that I need to have that book. :)

  4. Awesome haul you got! I lovveed Clash of Kings and I've been wanting to read The Help and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer!

    New follower via GFC & Bloglovin!

    Pearl @ AsteriskPearl's Book Blog
