
March 14, 2015

Author Interview: Elizabeth Briggs (Chasing the Dream Series)

I have something special in store for you all today! One of my favorite NA authors just dropped by the blog! It's Elizabeth Briggs!

Now, I first heard of Elizabeth Briggs on Oops I Read A Book Again when she hosted the More Than Music tour. When I read More The Music, I fell in love with Elizabeth's stories. She wrote a novella, More Than Exes, and now she just released the second book of her Chasing the Dream series, More Than Comics.

Fun Questions:

The last TV show you watched?
- Parks and Recereation - we're rewatching the entire series on Netflix.

The first book you've ever read?
- I have no idea. My mom says it was Goodnight Moon. On my own? I remember devouring Nancy Drew novels as a kid.

The first thing you do in the morning?
- Take the dogs outside and grab a cup of coffee.

Any weird reading habits?
- If I have a print book, I ALWAYS read the last paragraph of the book before I read the rest. I also like to read Acknowledgements first.

How many times have you been to Comic Con?
- I've been going every year since 2008 so this year will be my 8th time!

The Interview:

How was the writing process for More Than Comics?
- More Than Comics was so fun to write! It originally started as a novella but the story kept growing and growing, and I really enjoyed digging into Hector's story. It's also my first book told from dual POVs, which was both challenging but rewarding to write.

What do you think of relationships that started online? Do you think they last longer?
- My husband and I met online over ten years ago, so I definitely think they can last! I've also met many of my closest friends online. It's one reason I wanted to write a book about it.

What do you think makes Tara McFadden stand out from Maddie and Alexis?
- Tara is more warm, optimistic, and friendly than my two previous heroines. She's not afraid to go after what she wants, even if she's not sure what that is sometimes. She's less awkward than Maddie, but just as big a geek. She's not as bold as Alexis, but she's just as independent. All three girls are smart, strong, and passionate about something. 

If you were given a chance to write your own graphic novel, which company would you choose; DC or Marvel?
- Marvel all the way!

Are any of the characters you've written ever exist in real life?
- All of them! I would LOVE to hang out with everyone in Villain Complex.

I just finished reading More Than Comics now that I'm done with my undergraduate thesis. And can I just say how wonderful that book is? IT IS SO GOOD. My review will be posted soon. Thank you so much, Liz, for agreeing to do this with me. It has been an honor!

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