
April 8, 2015

Camp NaNoWriMo 2k15: That One Summer

HALLO! Oh my God, you guys! I missed you all! Did you miss me too? It's officially summer here in the Philippines and it is scorching hot with at least 35 degrees Celsius per day. It's enough to fry an egg on top of my head.

So anyways, I haven't read anything yet. I'm so behind my Goodreads Reading Challenge because of school and with this novel I'm writing. Yes, you heard it right. I'm writing again after 123456789 years. I feel the need to go back into writing because after all, I plan to make a living out of it so what better way to let my creative juices out than writing it. I am joining Camp NaNoWriMo for the first time in my life. I've had a lot of friends joining this and they've been telling me to join. Usually, the standard word count goal is 50,000 words but since I am newbie, I'm gunning for 10,000. I feel like if I set a goal that high I won't be able to reach it. But with 10,000, I think I can.

All I can tell you right now is that this story I'm writing is about romance, loss, summer and life. I can't really give you the exact plot yet because I want it to be a surprise and I suck at writing summaries if I haven't finished it yet. But just know this is something close to my heart and something I want to share with you guys.


Photo is not mine though. I found this on Tumblr and tweaked with the saturation and added this really nice font.


This is Mats Hummels. He's the captain of Borussia Dortmund and a defender for the German National Football Team. If you're into football, you'd know that he's a World Champion. I am currently immersing myself with everything football but mostly focusing on the Germany league, Bundesliga. His face got sort of stuck in my head and then he became the inspiration for my male protagonist, Kyle Donovan. Isn't he just gorgeous? *brb swooning*

So, there's Nina Dobrev, Zoey Deutch, and Marie Avgeropolous. All three are gorgeous ladies and are my picks for my female character, Sara Hudson. I couldn't pick between the three. They're all very beautiful and play very strong women on TV and on film.

The following photos are from Tumblr. I was mindlessly scrolling down and reblogging when I saw these photos that remind me of summer. Credits to the owners!


19 You + Me by Dan and Shay

Dakota by A Rocket to the Moon

Summer by Calvin Harris

The City by The 1975

Waves by Mr. Probz (Robin Schulz Edit)

I was supposed to make a Spotify playlist for this to post here but there's something wrong and I have about 60 songs on that playlist. I know. I listen to a lot of music ranging from alternative rock to EDM. Not only are the songs on my playlist remind me of summer, but they are also my companion whenever I'm writing.

So there you have it guys. My journey to reaching my 10,000 words goal has started and I can't wait for it to finish. I know I have you guys on my back so wish me luck!


  1. You are soooo lucky you have the time to focus on your writing this summer. I think I'll join next year. Keep in mind, what we talked about your male character! YOU GOT THIS! You gots of inspirations boo! :D

    1. OMG ate Jayvee! I think I'll join din next year!!! And ate Anette I am in loooooove!!! Good luck to you!! The PecFam is moving up it's game ah!! hahahaha!
      Good luck again love! :)

    2. YOU GUYS! <3 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! :D I'll hug you ng bongga when we see each other!

  2. Wow your novel is very appropriate to the season and that cover is WOW! BEST OF LUCK!
