
May 31, 2015

Wicked Photo Diary: May 2015

Happy June 1st everyone! Well, if you're in Asia, it's June 1st and it's still May 31st across the Pacific Ocean. ANYWAY. We're halfway through the year. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I can't. Here's another round up of what happened in my life through my Instagram photos! And also, May is my birthday month so...yes, I'm 21 years old.

May 2, 2015

This is the Centennial Terminal where my brother and I dropped of our mother to fly down to Cebu where my maternal grandparents are. It was a pretty sad weekend for our family as we lost our loved one but I know my dear grandfather is safe and sound, wherever he is now.

May 3, 2015

This 1 of 4 books that I borrowed from my good friend Neil. He supplies me with the best books ever. And also, May 3rd is a pretty sad day for Filipinos as well, as the People's Champ lost to Money Mayweather. So much for beating the May-weather. My Heart and Other Black Holes is a splendid read and I just realized that as I was typing this, I haven't reviewed it yet. Woops! I'll be posting one really soon!

May 5, 2015

How often can you get a free Starbucks beverage? Answer: RARELY. Well, at least, in my case. A friend of my OJT Supervisor gave this to us interns and voila, free Tall Dark Mocha Panna Cota Frappucino to beat the heat!

May 9, 2015

This book had me on the edge. I mean, really! Every time I look at it, it gets my heart racing. Check out my review here. Everyone should read A.S King. She is the best!

May 10, 2015

I took a photo because I just found it really cool. It's Mother's Day too so, my brother and I picked my mom and my grandmother up from the airport because we're dutiful children.

May 20, 2015

I vow to read everything by A.S King because she's so amazing. Check out my review here.

May 23, 2015

After all the feels I got from A.S King and Jasmin Warga, I settled down with Victoria E. Schwab. This one gave me the right amount of creep and I love it. Check out my review here.

Mom wanted to buy a dedication cake and my brother and I, being really avid football fans, decided to dedicate the cake our favorite clubs. Mine's FC Bayern Munich and while he's with FC Barcelona. Both teams won their respective league cup trophies so we're happy football fans.

May 24, 2015

This is my cousin, Kieffer, and he's the cutest thing on earth. We had a party in the province for one of my grandfathers and my mom and I have a competition on who gets to touch Kieffer first since we rarely get to go home in the province because it's so far away. Needless to say, my mom beat me to it.

May 26, 2015

I love this drink so much. It's the best thing ever. I don't really like purple potato but mixed with coffee, I'm solved!

May 29, 2015

Stock photo because May is the month of flowers.

I already miss having to go to the office and write a lot. It's the first time I've written for a website and I want to make a career out of it. I met some really cool people during my one month stay and I pray to my lucky stars that I get to work with them again someday.

May 30, 2015

I mean, how can you not take a photo? Just. How. Btw, I finally know why this thing is so expensive. It is so sinful and decadent and I love it so much I wish I could marry Godiva.

Awkward photo skills. I know.

May 31, 2015

I woke up to some good news yesterday that Arsenal won their 12th FA Cup trophy! *insert intense screaming*

So there you have it. How did May went for you? Tell me in the comments below!

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