
July 22, 2015

Wicked Review: Thief by Tarryn Fisher

Published: July 21, 2013
Publisher: CreateSpace
Series: Love Me With Lies #3

Note to Self

Love is patient; love is kind.
Love doesn't boast or brag.
There's no arrogance in love;
it's never rude, crude, or indecent-it's not self absorbed.
Love isn't easily upset.
Love doesn't tally wrongs.
Love trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what.
Love will never become obsolete.
I'll fight for her.


Caleb Drake never got over his first love. Not when he got married. Not when she got married. When life suddenly comes full circle Caleb must decide how how far he is willing to go to get the aloof and alluring Olivia Kaspen back. But for every action in life there is a consequence, and soon Caleb finds out that sometimes love comes at an unbearably high price.

Now that Caleb and Leah are on the brink of divorcing each other and fighting for the custody of their only daughter, Estella, Caleb is now moving on to Olivia to repair what is left of their crazy relationship.

From book one, Olivia and Caleb were running in circles. Caleb chases Olivia and Olivia runs away as far as she can but she keeps coming back to Caleb. Just when you thought you could move on, you just can't because you're still hung up on that person.

This book is beyond crazy. It's beyond me, period. Caleb is a spoiled brat. From day one, he set his sights on Olivia, who couldn't care less if girls drop their panties in front of him. His love for Olivia is primal, like a lion marking his territory and making it known to the world.

Olivia got married to Noah Stein, this equally smart and compassionate whom she met on a plane bound for Rome when Olivia decided to bare her feelings to Caleb once and for all. But her plane failed, obviously. Caleb hated that. He hated that he had to compete with someone for Olivia's love especially now that Olivia cares for Noah.

In book two, Leah dropped a bombshell that shook Caleb's world. He had to get away from Leah and his daughter. But when the truth came out, Leah didn't go down without a fight. So Caleb had to choose: Olivia or his daughter, Estella.

Love is such a tricky thing. As the song says, "too much love will kill you". All three books shows different forms of love and how people are willing to fight for love. Love need not be full of flowers and hearts. Sometimes, it's painful you want to kill yourself with it. Or sometimes, you just want to do something crazy for that one person you love.

This trilogy is everything I am looking for in a love story. I read all three books in a span of just three days because right after I finished the first one, I was onto the next one without hesitation. I highly recommend this if you're a lover for broken relationships and painful love.

I would like to write a novel that every, single person loves, but not even J.K. Rowling could do that. Instead, I try to write stories that pull on people's emotions. I believe that sadness is the most powerful emotion, and swirled with regret the two become a dominating force. I love villains. Three of my favorites are Mother Gothel, Gaston and the Evil Queen who all suffered from a pretty wicked case of vanity (like me). I like to make these personality types the center of my stories. 
I love rain, Coke, Starbucks and sarcasm. I hate bad adjectives and the word "smolder". If you read my book-I love you. If you hate my book-I still love you, but please don't be mean to me; I'm half badass, half cry baby.

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