
August 25, 2015

{Blog Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway} Alexa Crushed by T.R Cupak

Hello everyone and welcome to Day 2 of the Alexa Crushed Blog Tour. Today I'm going to share an excerpt of T.R Cupak's debut novel.

Alexa Crushed by T.R Cupak
Series: Alexa Crushed #1
Publication Date: May 20, 2015
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Romance

Alexa Morgan lost her mother when she was two. At eighteen, her father and stepmother died when a devastating earthquake hit the Bay Area. Only one person has remained a constant in her life: Devin.

Devin has been Alexa’s best friend since childhood. The two are inseparable—or they were until Devin declared his love for her at sixteen. When Alexa can offer him only friendship in return, Devin retreats, brokenhearted.
Alexa, on the other hand, longs for Ethan, the boy next door. Four years older than her, and with an ever-changing roster of girlfriends, Ethan is everything Devin isn’t: wild, sensual, and unpredictable.

In the aftermath of the deadly earthquake, Ethan makes his move on Alexa, who reciprocates in a confused whirl of grief and desire. When Ethan leaves town shortly after, Devin comes back into Alexa’s life, offering support and expecting nothing in return.

Alexa begins to see the advantages of Devin’s quiet, stable love. But just as her feelings for her old friend begin to blossom, Ethan returns. Now Alexa must choose—the perfect boyfriend or the wild, thrilling bad boy. It’s a choice that changes her life forever.

I get up out of bed, go brush my teeth, run downstairs to grab a sugar-free Red Bull from the refrigerator, and come back up to my room to sit out on my balcony, as I do most mornings that I don’t have school. I grab my laptop to check Facebook, Twitter, and my e-mails. Out of habit, I glance down and see Ethan’s car in his driveway. He must be taking some time off if he’s still home right now. I’m not sure why he would when he should be close to graduating college.
         As I’m scrolling through Facebook and liking random pages and pictures, I hear the front door to Ethan’s house open and see a leggy blonde leaving with her heels in hand, doing the walk of shame. Ethan has his arms stretched above his head with his hands placed on the doorjamb, showing off his tight washboard abs and the sexy V where his sweats hang low on his hips. All I could think is, Yum. The blonde turns to kiss him, but just as she tries, he turns his head so she ends up kissing his cheek instead of his lips. All the while, his eyes are fixated on me. A ping of embarrassment followed by jealousy washes through me as I watch this soap opera unfold.
         The blonde yells, “Call me!” over her shoulder as she walks down the driveway to her car, which is parked on the street. I swear I hear Ethan laugh a “hell, no” kind of laugh. Soon, the blonde is driving away in her perfectly suited Porsche Boxter.
         Ethan is still standing in his doorway, now with his arms crossed over his chest when he acknowledges me in his luscious voice, which makes my toes curl. “Good morning, Lexi.”
         “I’m sure it is, Ethan,” I snap back. My voice sounds a little too irritated for my liking. I don’t want him to think the blonde bothers me, even though she most certainly does.
         “I’ll see you later, Lexi,” he says, smirking as he turns to go into his house.
         He is so frustrating, but even with that being said, watching his last conquest leave made me wish I was the one doing the walk of shame instead of her. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m a sophomore in high school who has kissed one boy in my entire sixteen years of existence. It was a horrible first kiss, too. It was one that scared me enough to not want to do it again anytime soon.

Get a chance to win a can-be-signed paperback second edition copies of Alexa Crushed (US only) or an ebook copy w/ $5 Amazon Gift Card (INTL).

T.R. Cupak was born and raised in the suburbs of a Bay Area city in California. She was the closet nerd who hid her love of reading and writing short stories and poetry when she was younger. Back then it wasn’t considered cool to be into those types of activities for pleasure, whereas today you have TV shows, movies and books that glamourize that being a nerd is actually cool.

T. lives in a quiet, little, country town south of where she grew up. She is happily married to an amazing man who supports her in everything she does and spoils her rotten. They have a crazy little Shih Tzu named Harley. He's their fur-baby and even though he’s a pain in the arse most days, they love the little guy. She has an obsession with cars, especially fast ones. She enjoys her music louder than anyone should. Admittedly it’s to drown out hearing her own singing voice, or lack thereof. When she’s not at work or busy writing you can find her curled up reading a book on her Kindle with a glass of wine or Dirty Shirley.

T. lost touch with her creative side and stepped off the path of all things written in her early twenties. Six years ago, her passion for reading was rekindled. She began to utilize reading as a way to escape everyday chaos. Late 2013 she began journal writing. After a couple of months of journaling T. realized that this form of writing wasn't keeping her interest nor was it helping her to relax. After that realization settled in she changed the direction of her writing. Her creative aspirations were flowing once again and she happily embraced it. As her fingers started to dance across her keyboard she began to see her fictional characters begin to breathe life. Writing was only supposed to be a way for the new author to relax, but a story was born and T.R. Cupak is excited to be releasing her self-published debut novel, Alexa Crushed.

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