
September 8, 2015

{Blog Tour: Review} Lost and Found by Elle Casey

Welcome to Day 2 of the Lost and Found Blog Tour! Today, I'll share with you my review on this phenomenally crazy and hilarious book. (Superlatives everywhere, I know!) Thanks to Giselle at Xpresso Book Tours and of course to Elle Casey.

Lost and Found by Elle Casey
(Love in New York #1)
Publication Date: December 25, 2014
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Sometimes engagement rings can get lost and then found. Sometimes people can too. All it takes is a heavy-duty dose of karma and the magic of Manhattan to make it all come together.

Leah is a financially destitute new age hippy. James is a wealthy surgeon with a trust fund. She’s awkward, he’s poised. She’s completely crazy, he’s way too sane. People might say they have nothing in common, but they’d be wrong. They both live in Manhattan, they both have no idea how to change a baby diaper, and they’re both lost … until they find one another.

I lost count how many times this book left me giggling while reading in a public place. It's that funny. So, okay. Leah is super crazy. She works in a shop that sells all these hippy oils and fragrances. She hasn't paid rent in a long time and her landlord offers to sleep with him and her debt would be paid of. She's friends with a homeless man named Mac. She meets James, the handsome doctor.

Leah believes in karma and the effect it does to people. The minute she bumped into James, she felt that from then on, it won't be a really good day. A series of mishaps later and she found herself as the owner of a five hundred grand Cartier engagement ring. She found crazy ways to give it back to the owner. It involved her dressing up as a fake rapper to giving it back to the charity just so her life can be normal again. James, on the other hand, played along with her. He didn't want that ring back because it was a sign of everything that went wrong with his life lately: his girlfriend (who is such a total bitch) slept with his brother, his lovely niece is suddenly without loving parents. Both of them have dealt with something horrible and lost some in the process and in the end they found each other.

The ring was what connected them together. The ring brought them all sorts of misfortunes but it was what ultimately led to their happy ending. I definitely recommend this book for those who are looking for something lighthearted to read after reading heavy plots. This one is for you.

Get a chance to win an ebook of Cabin Fever (Love in New York #2)!

Elle Casey is a prolific, NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling American writer who lives in Southern France with her husband, three kids, and several furry friends. She writes in several genres and publishes an average of one full-length novel per month.

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1 comment:

  1. This sounds like such a fun and refreshing read! I like to read these once in a while to change the pace from my usual mysteries and thrillers. Great review, Anette! :)
