
November 29, 2015

Wicked Photo Diary: November 2015

Wicked Photo Diary is a feature on the blog where I recap what happened in my life, bookish and non-bookish, in the form of my Instagram photos. Do follow me on Instagram here.

November has been a bleary month for me. I only had a few reviews posted on the blog. I didn't get to finish my NaNoWriMo project (again). I got so sick I spent almost two weeks in the hospital. I played Pokemon on my old Android phone. Wifi was lost for almost a week. So, there. November wasn't amazing.

November 02, 2015

I just clocked in 2K words on my NaNoWriMo and then took a nap. When I woke up, I was burning. I came down with dengue, this horrible disease that's treatable but is so expensive. I hated the hospital, even if the nurses who tended to me were beautiful and handsome people. Ugh. Don't get sick, guys. Stay healthy, always.

November 16, 2015

After being sick, I finally found my jive to read again. This has been sitting around on my bookshelf for quite some time now and my brother demanded that I finish the book already. It was beautiful. I may have to buy this immediately.

November 17, 2015

Granddad cut off the branches of our ginormous mango tree. Thankfully, there ain't no fruits yet. It will take a long time for the branches to grow back and to harvest mangoes. Mangoes are my favorite and I can't live without them.

November 20, 2015

I finally started reading the #SparkBooks I bought last month. They were all amazing but this one was my favorite out of the bunch. It was beautiful and grand. *dreamy sigh*

November 29, 2015

Momma asked to take a photo...I said yes. Nuff said.

What Else Happened On The Blog?


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