
January 27, 2017

What Happened To Me? A Long Overdue Update

So, whatever the hell happened to me, you ask? I'm gonna give you one word: WORK

I have job. Yay. Finally. Money. Earning citizen. Gotta pay my taxes you know. That sort of thing. I've been working for roughly eight months now. If you follow me on Twitter then you know what sort of work I'm doing. If not, well, you better follow me on Twitter now and I will give you a gif or two of what I'm doing.

Can't figure it out? Okay fine. So, I teach/talk to students over the phone at night. Simple. So there. Work has been absolutely CRAZY. LITERALLY. I mean, sure, I like what I'm doing. But sometimes, it's really stressful. Add to that the stress I get from TRAFFIC. (Hello, EDSA!) I spend a good two hours on the road going to work and going home. 

But, on the good side, I can spend time reading books or sleeping on the road. I read and reread so much already. I haven't been able to post any reviews on the blog or on Goodreads even. I think I forgot how already.

But anyways, there. Work has been keeping me really busy. That and, I have been quite obsessed with KPop (AGAIN!) and Korean dramas lately.

I may or may not post a list of all the dramas that I have watched or is currently watching. But there are a lot already.

My life. Or, well, how I'm living it anyways. I can't promise that I will be back with the regular programming(?) over at the blog but I will try. If not, well, catch up with me on Twitter. I love you all!

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